Carnot and start-ups, SMEs and mid-caps

Les Carnot et les Start-up, PME, ETI

Carnot strives to deliver effective innovation solutions for start-ups, SMEs and mid-caps in different business sectors

Of the 11 000 R&D contracts signed every year between Carnot Institutes and businesses - of which 40% with SMEs. This does not include the numerous collaborative R&D projects involving SMEs in which Carnot plays a key role or non-research related services provided by Carnot teams. 

The Carnot institutes strive to:

  • provide easier access – for SMEs and mid-caps – to their technological expertise and resources,
  • be in a position to respond to both near-to-market and the upstream needs of businesses wishing to innovate.

Carnot Institutes with a strong presence in a given economic sector pool their resources to provide businesses with a comprehensive and straightforward partnership and knowledge & technology transfer offering, rounded out by a sector-specific R&D requirements analysis.

There is a special focus on providing businesses with easier access to technology platforms.

In order to target businesses’ needs in line with market expectations, Carnot Institutes engage in two-way communication with their business partners.

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